Easy Food Prep and Weight Loss Tips
Exercise is great but most people need to make changes in their eating to see real changes on the scale. Learn how to quickly count [...]
Exercise is great but most people need to make changes in their eating to see real changes on the scale. Learn how to quickly count [...]
Kneeling Lunge is a variation of a low lunge that helps you to focus on the alignment of hips. Activates abdominals and fires glutes of [...]
Half Moon or (Ardha Chandrasana) is a challenging balance pose that, when done correctly, strengthens your legs, hips, glutes, back, core, neck, and arms. It [...]
Using props like straps, bands, belts, or ties can be used to assist in floor stretches. They help you keep your body in good alignment. [...]
Child Pose (Balasana) is a calming pose that can relax and restore the mind. It is also a deep stretch for your quadriceps, and top [...]
Challenging balance, the pose strengthens the hip, knee, and ankle joints. It strengthens the muscles of the stabilizing leg and glutes. The pose is a [...]
Chair Pose (Utkatasana), when done with proper alignment, works the core while strengthening your legs. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves must engage. You must strengthen [...]
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a deep stretch to open the hips. Depending on your specific tightness, it also stretches the buttocks, hip flexors, [...]
Bow Pose -Dhanurasana "Dhanu" = Bow "asana" = Pose Stretches and increases flexibility in your throat, chest, hips, quadriceps, abdominals, ankles, and spine. Strengthens back. [...]