Mushrooms, Please!
I love mushrooms. Here is an easy way to prepare them: Preheat oven to 375° (These are small shitaki mushrooms) Clean with water and a [...]
I love mushrooms. Here is an easy way to prepare them: Preheat oven to 375° (These are small shitaki mushrooms) Clean with water and a [...]
Protein shakes are my go-to breakfast of choice. I use Orgain and since I use it so often, I get it from Costco. [...]
You Were Meant to SHINE Speak it! You are: Adored Beautiful Capable Dynamic Enough Fabulous Gifted Healed Incredible Joyful Kind LOVED Magnificent Needed Overcomer Precious [...]
March is National Nutrition Month! This observance was created by the Academy of Nutritionists and Dietetics. Their goal is to bring more awareness and education [...]
February is known as the month of love. Chocolate, flowers, jewelry, and cards are among the heavily advertised and gifted items. Partners propose, and high-end [...]
It's taken me a minute to write this. It is not meant to be sad, but rather a little memoir and reflections from a weekend [...]
What do you need to say goodbye to? I love watching sunsets. 🌅 I enjoy going to the beach or finding rooftop restaurants that show [...]
Before looking ahead, consider taking a glance back over 2021. Did you make a New Year’s resolution in 2021? How did that go? Did you [...]
A common reason people usually give for not stretching is the lack of time. Many spend long hours sitting at a desk and working on [...]
Hips and back can get so tight. As a fitness instructor and yoga teacher, I love doing yoga flows to help relieve tightness. This quick [...]