Supine Spinal Twist
Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) is a wonderful healing pose. It releases the spine, opens up tight shoulders and chest, aids in digestion, stretches low [...]
Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) is a wonderful healing pose. It releases the spine, opens up tight shoulders and chest, aids in digestion, stretches low [...]
Parsvottanasana - One of my favorite standing poses, it stretches the hamstrings. When done properly, the spine is lengthened, the core is engaged, and the [...]
My friend and SHINE Family member, Ms. Shelah, says this healthy snack is a staple in her home. Thank you, Ms. Shelah! Peanut Butter [...]
One-Legged Bow Pose (Eka Pada Dhanurasana) Lying prone (facing down) on the floor, one-legged bow strengthens the hamstring, gluteus, and back. While strengthening the back, [...]
I love this recipe because it is versatile, healthy, filling, and will help you to lose weight. You can vary the recipe based on what [...]
Did you know that one of the observances in June is Hernia Awareness? Did you know that many hernias are preventable? And, are you aware [...]
(Vrikshasana) - Challenges your stability and balance by strengthening your hip, knee, and ankle joints. Distribute your weight evenly on the ball and heel of [...]
Exercise is great but most people need to make changes in their eating to see real changes on the scale. Learn how to quickly count [...]
Kneeling Lunge is a variation of a low lunge that helps you to focus on the alignment of hips. Activates abdominals and fires glutes of [...]
Half Moon or (Ardha Chandrasana) is a challenging balance pose that, when done correctly, strengthens your legs, hips, glutes, back, core, neck, and arms. It [...]