Stretching with Straps
Using props like straps, bands, belts, or ties can be used to assist in floor stretches. They help you keep your body in good alignment. [...]
Using props like straps, bands, belts, or ties can be used to assist in floor stretches. They help you keep your body in good alignment. [...]
Child Pose (Balasana) is a calming pose that can relax and restore the mind. It is also a deep stretch for your quadriceps, and top [...]
Challenging balance, the pose strengthens the hip, knee, and ankle joints. It strengthens the muscles of the stabilizing leg and glutes. The pose is a [...]
Chair Pose (Utkatasana), when done with proper alignment, works the core while strengthening your legs. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves must engage. You must strengthen [...]
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a deep stretch to open the hips. Depending on your specific tightness, it also stretches the buttocks, hip flexors, [...]
The wall can be used as a tool to stretch your hamstrings, inner thighs, and glutes. You can incorporate this 5-minute routine into your existing [...]
Bow Pose -Dhanurasana "Dhanu" = Bow "asana" = Pose Stretches and increases flexibility in your throat, chest, hips, quadriceps, abdominals, ankles, and spine. Strengthens back. [...]
Firelog pose is a seated pose that stretches the hips, groin, quads, and buttocks. The position of the ankles also stretches the calves. Variations of [...]