The Success of Less Stress
One thing the pandemic is teaching us is that we are all more the same than we are different. Our bodies were not designed to [...]
Downward Facing Dog Arm-Stretch Variation
This is a simulation of an alternative for a Downward-facing dog pose for those who cannot do inversions on the mat. It also works well [...]
Knee Raise Balance
I love balance work. One easy balance that most people can practice is simply raising your heels off of the floor and rising to the [...]
Warrior I
Warrior I works your total body, especially your legs. You get both more strength and greater flexibility as your practice this pose. To perform [...]
Standing Shoulder Stretch
Sitting at a desk, or behind the wheel of a car for hours at a time make the shoulders and chest really tight. Simply taking [...]
Stretching with Straps
Using props like straps, bands, belts, or ties can be used to assist in floor stretches. They help you keep your body in good alignment. [...]
Chair Yoga (with variations)
Chair Pose (Utkatasana), when done with proper alignment, works the core while strengthening your legs. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves must engage. You must strengthen [...]
Pigeon Pose
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a deep stretch to open the hips. Depending on your specific tightness, it also stretches the buttocks, hip flexors, [...]