Shannon Thigpen2025-01-29T22:16:23-05:00Exercise Tips, Introspection (Meditation & Prayer), Training (Exercise), Videos, Well-Being, Whole Body|
RADIANT Rap | Food Addiction – The Struggle is Real!
Many of the foods eaten daily may be more addictive than crack cocaine! We understand the dangers of smoking and alcohol and connect the relationship [...]
7-Day Move Better, Feel Better: 4 Exercises to Prevent Knee Pain
Check out the full Silversneakers article here.
7-Day Move Better, Feel Better: Day #4 3-Essential Stretches
Check out the full Silversneakers article here.
Boat Pose Picture
(Paripurna Navasana) Sit on your sit bones and the tip of your tailbone like a tripod. Draw your navel into toward your spine to activate [...]
Downward Facing Dog Arm-Stretch Variation
This is a simulation of an alternative for a Downward-facing dog pose for those who cannot do inversions on the mat. It also works well [...]
Knee Raise Balance
I love balance work. One easy balance that most people can practice is simply raising your heels off of the floor and rising to the [...]
Pyramid Pose
Parsvottanasana - One of my favorite standing poses, it stretches the hamstrings. When done properly, the spine is lengthened, the core is engaged, and the [...]
Boat Pose Picture
(Paripurna Navasana) Sit on your sit bones and the tip of your tailbone like a tripod. Draw your navel into toward your spine to activate [...]
Kneeling Lunge
Kneeling Lunge is a variation of a low lunge that helps you to focus on the alignment of hips. Activates abdominals and fires glutes of [...]