It’s taken me a minute to write this. It is not meant to be sad, but rather a little memoir and reflections from a weekend that has changed me forever.💞
The pictured model is 14-year-old Lindsey.
Tia Young coached her at the very first Summer Enrichment Camp in 2002. Doctor Jacentha Buggs, a transplant surgeon, founded the camp while 8-months pregnant with her second child. The camp included etiquette lessons, personal finance, public speaking, drama, music, dance, and health and wellness.
Lindsey was a leader among the other girls. She was a natural and helped with the younger girls, ages 9-14. The group of girls had a performance for their parents at the end of camp. 🥰
They also had a limo pick them up and take them to Armani’s, a four-star restaurant, where they had the opportunity to show off their social skills.
Many of the campers and coaches attended the same church. My children were younger. They thought Lindsey and the other teens were so cool. And they were. They were scholars, athletes, and musicians. They were also a tight-knit group.
Fast-forward 20 years…
Lindsey Askew Johnson celebrated her 34th birthday at a spa with her mom on December 11th. Unexpectedly 3 days later, she passed away from complications from lupus. She battled lupus most of her adult life but did not let that stop her. 🌈
She has a long list of accomplishments, including being a graduate of Spellman, and just 3 months before her death, she passed the bar examination on her first try.💃🏿
I cannot put into words how beautiful the wake and funeral service was. It sounds crazy, but she was stunning, like a sleeping beauty. I have never ever felt that way about anyone. CeCe, one of the instructors from the Summer Enrichment Camp, did her hair, makeup, everything.🙏🏾
The words that were spoken by the people who gathered exemplified how Lindsey lived; passionate, bold, and unapologetic. 💥
On Friday night, one of the people to express their sentiments was Veronica, the speech coach from the Summer Enrichment Camp. Lindsey’s dad spoke that night too. Their bond was undeniable as he shared about his only daughter without once cracking his voice. Only God can give you the strength to do that.
The sweet spirit in the church was indescribable.
People came from near and far. High school teachers, best friends, coworkers, classmates were all there. All of our church family and clergy from her youth were there too. The youth pastor from years back, Dr. Shaune Shelby Sr, was the speaker. It felt like a reunion in many ways. It was indeed a celebration.
I knew I was in the presence of something special. No one who was that weekend will ever be the same. 💖
Her mother, Lucinda Askew, stayed busy making sure everything was perfect and consoling others. The soloist, Camille, and James, were even more incredible than usual. 🎶
Lucinda even spoke at Saturday’s service, from the context of what she thought Lindsey would say to all of us, including what she would say to her husband, her family, friends, her brothers, her nephew, and even what she would say to her mom, Lucinda! The only dry-eye in the building was probably Lucinda’s at that point.✝️
Anyone would love such kind, loving words to be shared at their eulogy. It gave me a renewed sense of intention to live each day like it may be the last.
I hadn’t seen Lindsey in some time, but I kept up with her accolades. I knew she was married to a husband who adored and cared for her, and she loved him very much. I knew she was constantly setting at reaching milestones and helping others. 🙌🏾
Lindsey lived more life in 34 years and inspired more people than some people will live in a lifetime. I am grateful for Lindsey.💖
Please keep Lindsey’s husband lifted in prayer. Please keep Lucinda and Ronnie, who lost a son in 2020 and her mother a few months ago, in your prayers. Please pray for all who love and miss her.
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