Day 16 of 31 Day Dear December Challenge
Look for and Live in PEACE During the Month of December Drop the Guilt and Negative Self Talk It does not serve you to beat yourself [...]
Look for and Live in PEACE During the Month of December Drop the Guilt and Negative Self Talk It does not serve you to beat yourself [...]
Rampage of Appreciation #437 It's Beginning to Feel a lot Like Christmas! I am grateful for traveling grace! I am grateful my girls arrived safely from [...]
Look For and Live in PEACE It's OK to Be Alone Sometime
Look for and Live in PEACE During the Month of December Exercise! Sun Salutation continued Downward Facing Dog
Look for and Live in Peace Strategies to Have More Peace with Yourself So You Feel Good After Hanging Out.
Look for and Live in Peace - Thanks Judi! •Listen with your Heart •Keep Quiet & Focus on What the other Person is Saying as Opposed [...]
Sun Salutation continued..... Look for & Live in PEACE Not always easy. Think on things you have to be grateful for. Cobra Benefits Strengthens shoulders, arms, [...]
Look for and Live in PEACE During the Month of December Keep Things in Perspective
It's Ok to Say No. During this time of the year, you may have to say no to somethings in order to find more PEACE. You [...]
Wendy's Pet Zues and Long Meditation Walks Helps her to stay in Peace