Cutting a Pineapple
Pineapples are a delicious tropical treat loaded with vitamin C. They are also sodium free, fat-free, and only contain 82 calories per serving. The sweet [...]
Pineapples are a delicious tropical treat loaded with vitamin C. They are also sodium free, fat-free, and only contain 82 calories per serving. The sweet [...]
Use good form and select the variation that works for you.
It is easy to spiral into negative thinking. Whether it is about your significant other, or lack of a significant other, sickness, your children, lack of [...]
It is important to work on Posture, Balance, Strength, and Flexibility to remain functionally fit. Sometimes you can combine poses to work on two or [...]
Nothing like having breakfast included with your reservation when you travel; but beware! It can be a setup for a sluggish, low energy, empty calorie, non-nourishing, [...]
Decluttering is ESSENTIAL for optimal health. Too much stuff can be a distraction. Clutter in the home can keep things messy and unorganized. Clutter or too [...]
Use What You Have and Get Moving! • Stairs is an alternative for a quick workout at home or on the job • Devices like Fitbit [...]
The Beginning and the End
Look For and Live in PEACE Have a Sense of Humor