Meet Marlene
How has Shannon influenced your wellness journey? Marlene and her granddaughter Kennedy Peterson, the authors of "Magnificent Me", and Founder of "Magnificent Me Summer Program [...]
How has Shannon influenced your wellness journey? Marlene and her granddaughter Kennedy Peterson, the authors of "Magnificent Me", and Founder of "Magnificent Me Summer Program [...]
Begin To Mediate 2nd Tuesdays Starting August 13th at 7PM Carrollwood Cultural Center 4537 Lowell Rd. Tampa, FL 33618 813-695-9054 Suggested Donation (pay [...]
During this time of year, I want to express how grateful I am for the unique gift of YOU! I understand and appreciate that you want [...]
I am grateful for another opportunity to grow to be the person God has destined me to be. I am grateful for a nice run [...]
It is easy to spiral into negative thinking. Whether it is about your significant other, or lack of a significant other, sickness, your children, lack of [...]
There is a saying that if you believe you cannot do it, you are right. In order to bring about real change, you must change your [...]
I am grateful for a productive morning. I am grateful for a strong family bond. Thank you Lord! I am grateful for the love between me [...]
I am grateful I am enjoying some walks in the rain. I grateful for perseverance. I am grateful for those who are persevering in the midst [...]
Part of being prepared is understanding that you cannot be prepared for everything. Have your umbrella in the car for a rainy day, for example, [...]