Refocus Invitation Part 5
Invitation to Refocus Part 5 No Meat for a Week Americans eat too much meat. Too much meat, especially processed meat like salami, hot dogs, & [...]
Invitation to Refocus Part 5 No Meat for a Week Americans eat too much meat. Too much meat, especially processed meat like salami, hot dogs, & [...]
Refocus Invitation Part 4 Drink 80 oz of Water Daily Approximately 60% of our body is water. Benefits include: More energy Less headaches Decreased [...]
Refocus Invitation Part 3 Reading Scripture I share my secret place in this short video. My get-away each morning for my meditation, study, and prayer. If [...]
Invitation: Refocus this week with me... Living Healthy & Whole 5-min meditation min daily Read scripture daily - not your thing? Ok. 80-oz of [...]
I work with a team that helps people to lose weight and have more energy. We use a certain system that has been very successful in [...]
Second only to oxygen, the body needs water more than any other substance. The cells of the body are made of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and salts. [...]