During this time of the year, one celebration runs into the next, into the next. Additionally, there is typically major stress associated with the holidays which may include finances and relationships. Celebrating and stress can tend to be accompanied by fatigue and weight gain. The good news is, more recent studies including those reported in the National Institutes of Health show the average person only gains 1 pound or less between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. The bad news is, on average, weight that is gained, is likely to stay on for a lifetime. (Most of these studies do not include children, adolescents, and college students, so there is not significant research to access those populations.)
One more thing to consider is that the average person also tends to lose a half-pound of bone and muscle mass over the course of a year, which ultimately means you can be the exact same weight and have more, and more body fat each year.
Therefore, the twenty tips below will not only help you minimize weight gain during the holidays, but can be strategies for achieving and maintaining a healthier weight throughout 2020 and beyond:
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
- Eat plenty of cruciferous and allium vegetables.
- Start the day with a healthy breakfast that includes protein and fiber and dispel the myth that it must be a “breakfast item. You can eat healthy leftovers from the night before.
- Practice mindful eating. Eat slowly, while seated, chewing your food more, enjoying the aroma and taste.
- Bring a healthy dish with you to the holiday parties; that way you know you have something healthy to include onto your plate.
- Eat before going out; avoid going out famished.
- Minimize bread, pasta, and sweets
- Avoid guilty thoughts when you do have a treat.
- Limit alcoholic beverages by drinking water or sparkling water.
- Control portion sizes. Ask for a container and immediately put half of your meal in it when eating out.
- Prepare larger meals in advance for leftovers.
- Enjoy walks, playtime, and dancing with your partner, children, and friends.
- Incorporate sleep into your busy schedule.
- Consider keeping a food journal.
- Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day. Whether at work or home, be aware of your form and alignment while working muscle groups, i.e. reaching up for plates, squatting to pick up a laundry basket. This awareness alone can bring about transformation.
- If the scale is a motivating factor, use it often; however, if it causes you to obsess, avoid it. Your jeans or your favorite skirt along with your daily habits will give you plenty feedback.
- Turn off the television. At the very least, move during commercials. There are roughly 16 minutes of commercials in an hour show.
- Have a support system.
- Lift weights once or twice a week minimally.
- Throughout the day, think of, and visualize yourself living and feeling healthy, strong, focused, and energized.
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