The beach can be a wonderful place to work on the fitness of your mind, your body, and your spirit. Drawing from the energy of the surroundings, it can be an excellent place to focus on breathing, settling your mind, and becoming healthier. In the Tampa Bay area, you can arrive at a scenic beach in a matter of minutes. If the beach is a place you enjoy visiting, consider incorporating it into your summer fun and fitness regimen.
Walking a beach mile is quite different from walking a mile around the neighborhood or school track. When you are using any environment that is unstable, you must work harder. The instability of the sandy beaches makes it an excellent environment to develop, strengthen, and shape fabulous looking legs. No fancy equipment is required. Simply walking along the beach will tone your calves, gluteus, hips, and thighs. Walking on the sand can also strengthen stabilizing joints like knees and ankles, and it helps to strengthen your core. Strengthening your core helps improve balance and posture. Stand tall, and keep your chest lifted as you walk. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed. Try breathing evenly and naturally.
Although walking near the water is easier since the sand is packed tighter together, you still gain the benefits of walking. Thirty minutes to an hour of brisk walking will do wonders to increase your cardiovascular fitness and endurance.
Another option is taking your walk with your legs in the water. This is also challenging since you have the resistance of the water. The deeper the water, the greater the challenge is to move your arms and legs. Even if you prefer is to stay by the pool, walk with your waist deep in the water for exercise.
To strengthen inner and outer thighs in the water try water jumping jacks. Stand in the water with your feet together. Jump and widen your legs. Jump again while closing your legs. Increase the intensity by keeping your arms in the water. Coordinate the movement of your arms with the motion of your legs. Take the arms wide when you jump out wide. Bring the arms in again when you bring your legs together. Do fifteen jacks. That is one set. Work up to three sets of fifteen.
There are many fun activities you can do like throwing Frisbees and playing catch either in the water or on the beach. If you are staying at a resort, many offer also offer water aerobic classes in the pool.
Of course, it is important to see your medical provider before beginning any exercise regimen. Work out at sensible times of the day like early morning or early evening when it is exceptionally hot. Use sunscreen and drink plenty of water.
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