Spine & Neck
4 Sets of Entire Video
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- From hands and knees, sit back toward heals, put a towel behind knees if necessary
- Stretch arms forward and breath
- Take hands slightly right and breath into the left side of your ribcage
- Bring arms back to center, then slightly left. Breath into the right side of your ribcage
- Quadruped position (hands under shoulders, Inhale. Lift both legs keeping core engaged
- Inhale, Slowly draw navel in, round through back, bringing tailbone toward head and head toward tailbone (Cat)
- Hold position inhaling and exhaling
- Slowly return through neutral then arch back stretching through belly in opposite direction (Cow)
- Hold position inhaling and exhaling
- Sitting tall, turn face to one side. Breath into any tightness you may feel. Exhale to release
- Slowly turn back through neutral to opposite side. Pause and breath
- Return to neutral
- Sit tall and tilt head to one side taking ear toward shoulder. Keep shoulder down. Avoid lifting shoulder. Pause and breath
- Return to neutral, repeat on opposite side
- Lift shoulders toward ears. Circle back, around and down
Repeat 4 more sets . Work as slowly as you need to do exercises properly.
Form with these exercises is the most important way to get effective results. Do them in front of a mirror so you can watch your posture, keep your core tight, and do each rep fully and to completion.
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