Transformation Meditation with Bible Scriptures helps to create true health; mind, body, and soul. It can be used by anyone but was made with Christians in mind. Scriptures are added in this audio to reflect how the meditation will compliment your Christian walk. It can help create long lasting change because the goal is to create a healthier state of mind. Every thought creates a chemical, therefore, it is important to think about what you think about. The chemicals that are created can bring health and healing or imbalance and disease. Practicing the techniques in this audio, will help you become more likely to attract the life you want.
- Transformation Meditation helps to create true health; mind, body, and soul. It can help create long lasting change because the goal is to create a healthier state of mind. Every thought creates a chemical, therefore, it is important to think about what you think about. The chemicals that are created can bring health and healing or imbalance and disease. Practicing the techniques in this audio, will help you become more likely to attract the life you want.