During this time of year, I want to express how grateful I am for the unique gift of YOU!   I understand and appreciate that you want to be the best version of yourself!

As you move through the holiday season, do so remembering that wherever your awareness is, that is where your energy is.  You can be serving others; shopping, cleaning, decorating, and cooking, with your mind on uplifting emotions of balance, wholeness, love, freedom, health, and the joy of being alive, or choose to focus on feelings that do not serve you.  However, thinking about what you are thinking about, and intentionally focusing your energy on your best good, takes practice.  It is no different than anything you want to get good at.  The good news is, every second is another opportunity to try again.

When you are taking care of the task at hand, realize that even in the task you can honor God, your soul, and your body.  If you move with purpose, you become aware that you are exercising and stretching as you move.  With that awareness, you will have a more productive and fulfilling day; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Enjoy your holiday meals, but not at the expense of making yourself ill!  How is that fun?  If you are doing the work, 80% of the time you are eating healthy.  Your fun, yet unhealthy dining can fall into the remaining 20% of the time.

If none of this makes sense to you, stay tune for more.  If you want more immediate results and would like to partner with you on a more personal bases, we can do that too.  Just hit reply or private message me “Help” and we can set something up.

You have greatness inside of you!  I believe in you!

Happy Thanksgiving!