Do you juice? If so, what do you like about it? If not, have you ever thought about juicing? I like juicing but don’t do it all of the time. Below I’ve listed some benefits and some drawbacks:
- If you don’t like eating vegetables, you can drink them.
- Gives the digestive system a break. Helpful for people with certain medical conditions or people getting certain medical treatments
- Weightloss
- A quicker way to get nutrients
- Boost of energy from natural sugars, vitamins and minerals
- Fills you with fewer calories
- Increases nutrients and vitamins like; c, folic acid, and magnesium.
- Can speed up the detoxification process
- Antioxidants boost your immunity and fight free radicals, diseases and illnesses
- Elimination of fiber. – Pulp is removed, which contains fiber. Fiber helps you feel full and helps with elimination. Fiber helps with digestion, lowering cholesterol, and stabilizing blood sugar. ie.
- Sugar from juicing can spike your blood sugar levels
- Not getting fiber, protein, and healthy fats along with sugar intake can cause diarrhea
- Use vegetables with fruit i.e. 3 servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables
- dilute with water
- Consult with your healthcare provider
- Include eating whole fruits and vegetables
- It’s not as healthy as eating fruits and vegetables in their natural state
- Making a smoothie is different. It keeps all of the pulp fiber
Here’s a tasty recipe:
Beet & Pineapple Juice
1 pineapple
1 medium sized beet
1 1/2 knob of ginger
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