Test your level of fitness at the start of the program
1 Sets of Entire Video
(Be sure to record your results)
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- Engage core.
- Use your arms
- Bring your knees to hips
- Keep Moving for 1 minute
- Engage core. Squat, sending hips back and down, heals into floor
- Bring arms down toward floor
- Press through heels, jump up with arms overhead
- Repeat as many times as you can in 1 minute
- Record number
- Rest 30 seconds
- Draw navel in. Raise arms overhead
- Pull knee int toward midline, bringing arms in
- Repeat as many as possible in 1 minute
- Record number
- Rest 30 seconds
- Step or Laterally
- Jumping Jack
- Repeat 20 seconds
- Rest 10 seconds
- Repeat
- Stand tall, lift arms to navel height
- Bring right knee up toward hands, then left knee
- Keep Core engaged throughout
- Repeat as many as SAFELY possible in 1 minute
- Record number
- Rest 30 seconds
- Choose full pushup or Knee pushup. (stay with the one you choose)
- Using good form, without sinking hips bend elbows, lower chest toward ground
- Straighten elbows, returning to starting position
- Repeat as many as safely possible in 1 minute
- Record number
- Rest 30 seconds
- Laying on back, knees bent, HEELS ON FLOOR THROUGHOUT
- Engage core, come to sit-up position
- Lower back to ground, one vertebra at a time
- Repeat as many as safely possible in 1 minute
- Record number
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