(Originally published in the Westchase WOW Jan 2023)
As we embark on another year, consider doing something different. Each year you make a New Year resolution and promise to eat better and exercise. What if your number one priority this year is NOT your nutrition? What if your number one priority is NOT about exercising more? What if, instead, your primary focus is on your mindset?
Consider assessing 2022, not as a means of beating yourself up or wallowing in self-pity, but from a loving place of positive reflection and gratitude. I recently heard the reference “Pros, Grows, and Kudos”. I love that because when it comes to mindset, your perspective is key. This will help you to focus on where you are going.
To properly prepare for keeping your attention on where you are going, take a little time to glance out of the rearview mirror. Look at the Pros of 2022. Surely you did some things right. If you are struggling with coming up with Pros, hey, you make it through the year. Start with that! What are some healthy choices and results you accomplished in 2022? Perhaps you started drinking more water. Maybe you didn’t eat out as often. Whatever they are, make a list of them.
Now, identify a few growth opportunities. Perhaps, although you drink more water, you can strive to incorporate another 24 ounces per day to get closer to what is recommended (half your body weight in ounces of water per day). Maybe you will learn to read nutrition labels. Jot down your list of grows.
Lastly, reflect on some kudos. What do you have to be grateful for? Maybe you didn’t get consumed by negativity. Maybe you let go of a few people and places that were not in alignment with who you want to be and where you want to go. Give yourself a shoutout of kudos!
With that information, turn your attention to the front view window, and cruise into 2023. Where your mind goes your energy flows. So, focus on your vision. Here are a few tips to help you have a healthier 2023 by making mindset a priority:
- Be open to the possibility that you can change and be teachable.
- Accept that although you believe something to be true, it may not be all true.
- Hang around others who are doing what you would like to do, and or have accomplished what you would like to accomplish.
- Spend more time focused on what you have to be grateful for and less energy obsessing about what you don’t have.
- Audit what and who you are listening to.
- Embrace the fact that you are beautiful just the way you are – healthy is a different matter and will only enhance the beautiful person you already are.
- Make decisions that are not based on motivation. Motivation will come and go but if you make a decision and stick with it, you will show up for yourself even when you don’t feel like it.
- Mute, unfollow, or block anyone on social media that makes you question your worth or makes you feel less than others, or who is just plain disrespectful.
- Stop complaining
- Eat to fuel your body
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