I work with a team that helps people to lose weight and have more energy. We use a certain system that has been very successful in helping some individuals who have tried everything and have been stuck and unable to shed pounds for long periods of time.

Part of the system is a 5-day program to jump-start weight-loss. One of my partners texted me yesterday and asked me if an individual can drink coffee with Splenda during this 5-day Jumpstart. My response was something like this:
“Ideally, caffeine is not the best thing for you. However, you can have whatever you want to eat or drink.”

To believe you cannot have something can be a set up for failure. You remember being told not to eat the cookie in the cookie jar? Did that make the desire go away or did you desire it even more? You certainly could have chosen to take the cookie anyway, but if you did, there was a price to pay! Even if you didn’t get caught, you had to deal with guilt, perhaps you were not hungry when it was time for dinner, or even worse, your nerves got the best of you and your stomach hurt afterward!

I use the products although I am not on a weight-loss program, since it is a highly nutritional system and helps you to stay energized and healthy. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning also. Coffee is not nutritious and can be addictive. Of course, how much coffee you drink and how often you drink it can play a huge factor in how you feel.

Always remember, you can have whatever you want, whenever you want. However, everything has a consequence. This does not just apply to food. It is a universal law; the law of cause and effect. It applies to everything in life. You have choices, but there is a price to pay.

With that said, I told my business partner in my opinion, a cup of java won’t hurt.