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Yoga – Sun Salutation

Total Body combines strength, stretch, of total body.

  • Lift arms to sky as you inhale.
  • Exhale softening knees, hinge at hip and fold.
  • Step back with leg 1, keeping heal lifted, bend both knees.
  • Keep alignment of hip, knee, ankle; lunge. Lift arms. Breath.
  • Inhale, bring hands to mat, and step back with leg 2.
  • With hands close together, bend elbows, bring chest between hands; hover. Make sure core is engaged. Avoid sinking hips.
  • Peel through as you exhale into cobra (backbend). Keep shoulders down away from ears.
  • Exhale, pushing back into downdog. Bend knees as much as necessary to push chest towards thighs. Move feet closer if heels are more than a few inches from the mat.
  • Lift leg 1 to sky, then bring forward. With Hip, knee, ankle aligned, lift arms and lunge.
  • Bring hands to mat. Step forward with leg 2. Fold.
  • Soften knees as much as necessary to come up with a flat back.
  • Inhale bringing arms overhead, then exhale bringing hands through heart center.

Repeat stepping back with leg 2 first.

Repeat 3-4 more sets resting 30 seconds between exercises. Work as slowly as you need to do exercises properly.

Form with these exercises is the most important way to get effective results. Do them in front of a mirror so you can watch your posture, keep your core tight, and do each rep fully and to completion.