Do ordinary things consistently and you will produce extraordinary results.
In many ways, I was self-destructing as a teenager. I started smoking at 15. After many years of nicotine addiction (acknowledging it was just that), no longer thinking it was cute (what in the world??), or fun (smh), and lots of conversations with the LORD, (pleading actually), I quit. 

I didn’t smoke a cigarette for 6 years. Then in a stressful season, in a moment of stupidity, vulnerability, and arrogance, I decided to have a cigarette one night. That led to 3 more years of full-on addiction.
I HATED it and was very ashamed.
My children were little and I desperately wanted to stop. I was hiding it from them but couldn’t hide it from myself.
Only someone who has struggled with an addiction of some kind can understand how hard it can be to quit.
I began thanking God in advance, way before I quit, for taking the taste from me. Finally, after this crushing setback, eventually, suddenly, I put the cigarettes down for good. Thank you, Jesus!!!

I started running from one light post to the next.
It was such a struggle!!! Over time, I entered my first 5K, then my first 10K. In 2001, I got my first certification as a fitness instructor and kept setting new goals. By 2010, I ran a 26.2-mile marathon.
To accomplish any goal takes a lot of one-day-at-a-time effort; sometimes one minute at a time. The daily grind when no one is watching you take baby steps no is how the magic happens.
That realization is the formula for accomplishing goals. Start where you are. Do what you can.
What ordinary thing will you do today to move closer to your extraordinary goal?
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