The 80 – 20 Rule can be a powerful tool during the holidays, when you are traveling, or other times when your healthy patterns are easily disrupted, like weekends or when family comes to town. To maintain weight; even possibly release weight during these occasions, consider what you do consistently over time is what makes the greatest difference, not what you do once in a while. What you do 80% of the time will be what counts.

Remember to eat something early in the day during these special times.  The belief that saving your calories for a particular meal is a strategy that can easily backfire.  Break your fast from the night before by eating a light breakfast.  Get it, break-fast. Do not skip breakfast because you are going to eat a big meal later. You want to keep your metabolism functioning optimally. Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism.

If you are skipping meals and or eating unhealthy processed foods, you can easily spike your blood sugar. Ideally, you want to keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day. This is done by eating nutritiously dense foods in regular intervals. If you are diabetic or prediabetic, you are putting yourself at great risk when you are not careful about your choices because your body either no longer makes insulin in the appropriate amounts or your body no longer responds to insulin. Diabetes is a silent killer.  It will sneak up on you!  Many times a diabetic may eat whatever they want, then take more medication. That is definitely not a good way to handle the problem.

Yes, it is important to enjoy yourself and have fun. Part of the fun typically involves food that may not be healthy.  Love yourself enough to have your Armor and Arsenal with you at all times.  Here is some of my top artillery:

  1.  Understand you are in control.  You can have whatever you want to eat at anytime you want to eat it.  Your choice; your consequences.
  2. Practice the 80 – 20 rule; eating nutritionally dense foods 80% of the time and 20% is your wiggle room.  For a more aggressive plan try 90% – 10%.
  3.  Avoid guilt when eating treats that have little or no nutritious value.  Guilt and stress release cortisol; a stress hormone that causes the body to hold onto fat.
  4.  Eat your small healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to minimize room for junk eating.
  5.  Prepare a few large meals in advance and store to eat throughout the week. During the holidays keep that in mind when preparing foods.
  6.  Get rid of leftovers that are not as healthy or at least freeze them in smaller portions for another time.
  7.  Use zip-lock bags to measure portions of healthy snacks.
  8.  Have power snacks like boiled eggs and portions of nuts prepared in advance.
  9.  Drink plenty of and travel with water.
  10.  Eat something light before leaving home so you are not starving when you go out.
  11.  When invited out for dinner, bring a dish that you know you can eat.
  12.  Carry a cooler in the car if you are on the road.
  13. Consider a good quality supplement to fill the gaps with what you are not getting with food.  I recommend the brand I use; whatever you choose, quality matters.
  14. When you are eating your nutritious foods, think on the how you are honoring and loving your body by putting quality fuel in your tank.