Understanding the mind-body connection is the first step in making lasting changes to improve your health and well-being.

Depending on what is happening in your life when a new year begins, you may or may not be motivated to make changes.  In general, the new year symbolizes new beginnings, so many people at least think about what they might do differently.  According to some psychologists, the new year is a temporal landmark, or moment in time perceived to be motivated for a fresh start.   A health-focused mindset can help you make the necessary changes to improve or maintain good health, and your behavior can help to regulate that mindset.

It is well-documented that behaviors like making healthier food choices and becoming more physically active can create positive changes in your mental and emotional state. Mind, body, and spirit are believed to be interconnected and relative for optimal health and well-being.  One organization that supports this narrative is the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM), which was founded in 1978.  AIHM believes in a holistic approach to optimal health and has recently declared January as Integrative Health Month.  The organization, made up of thousands of physicians, nurses and other health professionals, takes the emotional, physical, spiritual, environmental, and communal health of an individual into account, thereby treating the whole person.  They have a big focus on “grace, kindness, and acceptance” and believe in the “innate healing powers of the mind, body and spirit.”  To accomplish its mission AIHM uses both conventional medicine which includes medications when necessary, and ancient medicinal practices including naturopathic medicine, massage therapy, yoga, dietary supplements, and acupuncture.

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

In this era of high-tech and instant access to enormous amounts of information, more people than ever are diagnosed with depression, fatigue, anxiety, lack of sleep, mood disorders, low energy, and lack of self-esteem.  There has never been a time when humans have been more sedentary and have the luxury of so many conveniences.  At the same time, there is an abundance of processed foods and loads of added sugars and sodium.  Consider the possible connection between emotions and how people are taking care of their body.  Of course, there are other complex factors like world events and socioeconomic conditions.  However, the science is undeniable.

A big challenge for many people is the constant activation of the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight, flight, or freeze response.  This response is designed to turn on when there is perceived danger. Your body automatically responds to a situation like avoiding a speeding car that suddenly appears as you are walking across the street.  The parasympathetic system, which controls your digestion and feeling of safety, temporarily shuts down. Your heart rate increases, your blood pressure elevates, your eyes dilate, more blood flows to your extremities, muscles engage, and you rush to get out of the street.  Once you are safe, your body should regulate back to homeostasis.  The challenge of today is many people have the sympathetic response happening too much, sometimes daily, every time they open an email or every time they think of their boss.

Two of the hormones involved in the sympathetic nervous system are adrenaline and cortisol.  They are produced in the adrenal glands.  The adrenal glands are responsible for a lot of your body functions including how well you respond to stress.  When these hormone levels are increased continually, over time, it can cause weight gain, often in your abdominal area, high blood sugar, which can often result in type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.  If you have concerns, it is always advisable to see your healthcare professional and schedule regular annual visits.

Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone.  Behaviors that you can incorporate to keep cortisol levels in an optimal range include getting adequate sleep and exercising.  Interestingly, studies suggest when you exercise, you tend to sleep better.  Healthy relationships and laughter can also reduce stress.  Cortisol also manages how your body uses carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  Cortisol regulates blood pressure, and it helps the body manage inflammation.  Most cells in your body have cortisol receptors so it’s important to do what you can to keep stress at a minimum.

The gut and brain are closely related too. The gut is considered the second brain.  Therefore, what you eat can impact how you feel.  The foods you eat impact cortisol levels and affect digestion.  Foods high in added sugar, caffeine, and processed foods, for example, can contribute to higher cortisol levels.   On the other hand, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins can be beneficial in managing cortisol levels.

In addition to managing stress levels, exercise is also a trigger for the release of dopamine, which is a pleasure hormone released in the brain. Sometimes people are intimidated by the word exercise.  Exercise can be a lot of different things.  It isn’t limited to running or going to the gym. It can be walking, biking, skating, horseback riding, canoeing, yoga, gardening, online classes or videos.  Ideally, find something you enjoy.  The recommendation is 150 minutes of moderate activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week.  How you break up that time is up to you, but if you do the math, you will find that it is not a huge investment of time.  For example, if you are doing moderate exercise, you can do 50 minutes 3 times per week or 30 minutes 5 times a week. Strength training is also recommended twice a week for 20 to 30 minutes.

As part of integrative health, it is important to move your body, learn how to breathe purposefully, get proper rest, stretch, and eat nutritious foods. If you put your mind to it, it is possible to pick something that you commit to improving this year.  You may find that improvement in one area positively impacts the whole.