There are some basic tips to help you to stay injury-free.  In this article with SilverSneakers, I discuss the 5 Mistakes Most Older Adults Make. This article was a part of a series done in tandem with SilverSneakers, in which we focus on fitness tips for seniors, such as exercises to prevent falls.

Making mistakes is human. So whether you’re a veteran exerciser or starting a fitness routine for the first time, it’s bound to happen at some point and have some effect on your workout.

At best, an error can frustrate you and slow your progress. At worst, a misfire may lead to pain and injury.

“The goal of exercise for an active older adult is to give yourself a better quality of life,” says Shannon Thigpen, who has been a SilverSneakers instructor for 17 years and currently teaches SilverSneakers LIVE classes. “If you’re injured or discouraged, you obviously won’t reach that goal.”

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